Trailblazer in 2̶0̶ 12 Minutes
Last updated 13 January 2017Understanding the essential elements of Trailblazer and its high-level architecture doesn’t take longer than 20 minutes. Once you leave the “MVC” mindset and allow Trailblazer to show how it restructures applications, defines strong conventions where code should sit, and how objects interact, it is just another stack in your repertoire.
Be aware that this guide describes a Create operation, only. The discussed concepts apply to all kinds of functions, such as updating or deleting.
We hope you like it!
High-Level Architecture
Announcing itself as a High-Level Architecture, Trailblazer aims to help software teams to implement the actual business logic of their applications. We understand business logic as anything that happens after intercepting the HTTP request, and before returning a response document.
Trailblazer leaves dealing with HTTP and instructing the rendering up to the infrastructure framework: This could be any library you like, Rails, Hanami, Sinatra or Roda.
Business code is encapsulated into operations, the fundamental and pivotal element in Trailblazer. Operations gently force you to decouple your application code from the framework. This is why your code ideally doesn’t care about the underlying framework anymore.
In a web environment, user actions are processed via requests. Each typical business workflow in a request is structured into five steps.

Have a look at the diagram's left-hand side. This is what each request needs to handle.
- Deserialization
- Validation
- Persistence
- Post-processing, aka callbacks
- Presentation, rendering a response
On the right-hand side, you can see how Trailblazer introduces exciting new abstraction layers. Layers are implemented as objects. Each object handles only one specific aspect, minimizing the responsibility per layer.
A vertical Authorization layer allows to involve policies at every point in your code.
Following that approach will lead to controllers being empty HTTP endpoints, lean models with persistence-relevant scopes, finders and associations, only, and a handful of new, innovating objects helping you to implement the business.
Application Features
Every application is a set of functions (or “features”) that can be triggered by the user. This could be viewing a comment, updating a user’s details, following a draft beer shop, or importing a CSV file of bean grinders into a database.
Each function is implemented with one public operation. Operations are objects. This means, for every feature of your app, you will write an operation class which is then hooked to the framework’s endpoint.
The great thing about that is: You can also introduce operations step-wise into existing systems and replace legacy code or add new features using operations and cells.
Every web framework has the concept of controllers: Endpoints hooked to a HTTP route. For example, this could be a Rails controller action invoked via a POST /comments
The code you would usually put into the intercepting action method, such as creating an object, assigning request parameters to it, and so on, does no longer live there.
Instead, an endpoint simply dispatches to its operation.
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
def create
# you still have to take care of rendering.
Trailblazer leverages Ruby’s namespacing the way it was intended to be used. This is why the operation’s constant name is Comment::Create
Each operation has only one responsibility and exposes only one public method: call
. Ruby automatically invokes the call
method when the method name is omitted, giving the handily abbreviated style: Create.(params)
rather than
You might have noticed that there’s no instantiation of the operation happening. This is done internally. Exposing only one public method is a concept adopted from functional programming: Since there’s only one way to invoke an operation, you simply can’t confuse method orders or mess with internal state.
What you pass into the operation is absolutely your business (no pun intended). In web applications, this will usually be the params
hash. Note that this completely decouples an operation from HTTP. You could use it in a background task or an event-loop system, too - the operation expects a hash as input, nothing more.
The Comment::Create
operation is a class taking care of the entire process of creating, validating, and persisting a comment.
Don’t confuse this with a god class, though. An operation is an orchestrating object that instructs smaller objects like representers, a form object or the persistent model to accomplish that! It knows how to wire together those stakeholders but leaves the specific implementation up to them.
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
class Create < Trailblazer::Operation
model Comment, :create
contract do
property :body
property :author_id
validates :body, presence: true
def process(params)
validate(params[:comment]) do
Operations are always namespaced into their concept. In Rails, very often, this happens to be the model’s constant name. The Create
class sits in the Comment
ActiveRecord constant. This is simple Ruby namespacing and should in no way be confused with inheritance.
Every operation needs to implement the process
method. Here, the business code happens and the orchestration takes place.
The Operation
class offers you the validate
method to deserialize and validate the incoming data. To do so, the operation uses its form object, also known as contract in Trailblazer.
Since it is very common for operations to use a contract for validation, you can define contracts inline using the declarative contract
class method.
class Create < Trailblazer::Operation
# ..
contract do
property :body
property :author_id
validates :body, presence: true
A contract is simply a Reform class. It allows to specify the fields of the input, and validations specific to that operation.
Explicitly declaring incoming fields is very important in Trailblazer. When validating the input, the contract will only respect the defined, or whitelisted, fields and ignore unsolicited data in the input. This is why you don’t need solutions like strong_parameters
Validations can be defined using ActiveModel::Validations or the new dry-validation engine.
To validate the incoming params
, the validate
method in the operation enters the stage.
class Create < Trailblazer::Operation
# ..
def process(params)
validate(params[:comment]) do
# ..
In case of a successful validation, the block passed to validate
is invoked.
The operation’s validate
first instantiates the contract, which is really just a Reform object. Then, the incoming data is written to the contract object (this is called deserialization) and afterwards, validation of the entire object graph is performed using the Reform API.
The whole process of validation happens internally, but can be easily customized. An important fact here is that the contract is an intermediate object - instead of writing input to the model, this all happens on the contract. The model is not accessed at all for validation.
Having a dedicated contract object sitting between operation and model is why your model classes will end up as a pure persistence layer.
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author
Validation code sits in the contract, callbacks are defined in operation or callback objects.
After having validated data, to persist it, a model object is needed. In most Rails applications, this will be an ActiveRecord
model, but many Trailblazer projects use alternative libraries such as Sequel or ROM.
You’re free to create or retrieve models yourself. However, the operation offers you a trivial API to create a model when it is needed.
class Create < Trailblazer::Operation
model Comment, :create # will assign @model =
Having the validated data sitting on the contract object, it is a good idea to push the data to the model and save it. This, again, happens using the contract’s API.
class Create < Trailblazer::Operation
# ..
def process(params)
validate(params[:comment]) do
The model is now populated with the validated data, and saved to the database. Very simple mechanics happen behind the scenes and can easily be changed, if you disagree with Trailblazer’s flow.
Often after persisting, additional logic needs to be executed. This is known as post-processing or callbacks in Trailblazer. Instead of polluting the model or controller with this code, callbacks live in the operation.
They are literally called when you need them.
class Create < Trailblazer::Operation
# ..
def process(params)
validate(params[:comment]) do
def after_save!
Callbacks can be methods on the operation, separate callback objects, using Trailblazer’s callback API, or even advanced transactional gems like the excellent dry-transaction.
Trailblazer and its operation design makes it extremely simple to unit-test your application’s behavior. All business code is tested via operation tests.
describe Comment::Create do
it "persists valid input" do
op = Comment::Create.(comment: { body: "TRB rocks!", author_id: 1 })
op.model.persisted?.must_equal true
op.model.body.must_equal "TRB rocks!"
Operations are also used as factories in Trailblazer applications. This will assure that your test application state is always identical to a realistic production state.
let(:user) { User::Create.(user: attributes_for(:user)).model }
let(:comment) { Comment::Create.(comment: { body: "Yo!", author_id:} ) }
Gone are the times of leaky factories. Gems such as factory_girl can be used to provide input hashes, only.
Trailblazer also abandons controller tests, in favor of strict integration tests. This minimizes testing to integration and operation tests.
File Structure
Files for the additional abstraction layers are no longer organized by technology. Trailblazer introduces the idea of concepts, which group files by a set of features.
├── concepts
│ ├── comment
│ │ ├── contract
│ │ │ ├── create.rb
│ │ │ └── update.rb
│ │ ├── cell
│ │ │ └── new.rb
│ │ ├── operation
│ │ │ ├── create.rb
│ │ │ └── update.rb
│ │ └── view
│ │ ├── new.haml
│ │ └── show.haml
A concept could be comments, blog posts, image galleries or abstract workflows. At the same time, operations are not limited to CRUD. They often are named Job::Apply
or User::Follow
and help with a domain-oriented software design.
View (UI)
While the operation is the pivotal element for the business processing, Trailblazer also comes with a drop-in replacement for views. This is completely optional, and you are free to use your framework’s views, such as ActionView
Object-oriented view models are provided by the Cells gem. They encapsulate fragments of the web UI and make it easier to deal with complexity.
Those cells are usually rendered from the controller.
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
def show
comment = Comment::Create.present(params)
render Comment::Cell::New, comment, layout: Application::Layout
View models, or cells, are classes.
module Comment::Cell
class New < Trailblazer::Cell
property :body
def author_name || "Anonymous"
Helpers as known from Rails do not exist anymore. Instead, instance methods of the cell can be used in the view.
%h1 Comment
= body
= author_name
Again, view models in Trailblazer are provided by the Cells gem which is completely decoupled from Trailblazer. It also works fine in other frameworks like Hanami or Sinatra.
Trailblazer makes authorization a first-class citizen. Operations define policy objects that can be accessed and queried throughout the stack for deciding about access control.
The simplest form is a guard policy you can embed straight into the operation.
class Create < Trailblazer::Operation
policy do |params|
Policies will be evaluated when the operation is instantiated and allow denying the execution of code for specific environments, plus they can be reused at any later point. This includes queries in the view layer.
Also, they are not limited to blocks. Trailblazer allows Pundit-style policies, too.
While operations are extremely helpful for processing form submissions, they can also be used in the exact same way for document APIs, e.g. with JSON or XML. This works by using representers to parse input and render the response document.
Representers can be defined inline in the operation.
class Create < Trailblazer::Operation
representer do
include Roar::JSON
include Roar::Hypermedia
property :id
property :body
property :author_id
link(:self) { comment_path( }
The operation is now aware the input and output document is not a hash anymore but a JSON document. It will use the representer to parse the incoming document, and provide a to_json
method for the controller to render the response.
Comment::Create.('{"body": "Solnic rules!"}').to_json
#=> '{"body": "Solnic rules!", "id":1, link: {"rel":"self", "href":"/comments/1"}}'
Representers in Trailblazer are provided by the Roar gem and are completely optional.
Using Trailblazer is a matter of installing a few gems that will help you apply the style to your application.
gem "trailblazer"
Usually, the trailblazer
gem or the trailblazer-rails
gem in a Rails environment will be sufficient to start. However, since Trailblazer is very modular, many combinations are possible, so make sure to check out the installation guide, too.
What We Didn’t Talk About
Trailblazer has many more features that will help writing better software.
If you don’t like contracts, policies or representers inline, you can instruct the operation to use an external class, too. The composable interface allows that.
You may also leverage operations in render-only requests and use the contract object with your form rendering helper.
Trailblazer’s polymorphic interface allows to handle edge cases cleanly in small subclasses without the need for if
s and else
throughout your code base.
And, there’s more optimizations coming every day. We love working on Trailblazer and making life for programmers simpler.
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