
Cells and Rails

Last updated 18 September 2017 cells-rails v0.0.x


When using cells in a Rails app there’s several nice features to benefit from.

Asset Pipeline

Cells can bundle their own assets in the cell’s view directory. This is a very popular way of writing highly reusable components.

It works with both engine cells and application cells.

├── cells
│   ├── comment_cell.rb
│   ├── comment
│   │   ├── show.haml
│   │   ├── comment.css
│   │   ├──

You need to register the cells with bundled assets. Preferably, this happens in config/application.rb of the main application.

class Application < Rails::Application
  # ..
  config.cells.with_assets = ["comment_cell"]

The names added to with_assets have to be the fully qualified, underscored cell name. They will get constantized to find the cell name at runtime.

If using namespaces, this might be something along config.cells.with_assets = ["my_engine/song/cell"].

In app/assets/application.js, you need to add the cell JavaScript assets manually.

//=# require comments

Likewise, you have to reference the cell’s CSS files in app/assets/application.css.

 *= require comment

Asset Pipeline With Trailblazer

With Trailblazer, cells follow a different naming structure.

├── concepts
│   │   └── comment
│   │       ├── cell
│   │       │   ├── index.rb
│   │       │   └── show.rb
│   │       └── view
│   │           ├── index.haml
│   │           ├── show.haml
│   │           └── comment.scss

The comment concept here will provide Comment::Cell::Index and Comment::Cell::Show. Both bundle their assets in the comment/view directory.

To add this to Rails’ asset pipeline, you need to reference one of the cell classes in config/application.rb.

class Application < Rails::Application
  # ..
  config.cells.with_assets = ["comment/cell/index"] # one of the two is ok.

You still need to require the JS and CSS files. Here’s an example for app/assets/application.css.

 *= require comment # refers to concepts/comment/view/comment.scss

Assets Troubleshooting

The Asset Pipeline is a complex system. If your assets are not compiled, start debugging in Cells’ railtie and uncomment the puts in the cells.update_asset_paths initializer to see what directories get added.

Cell classes need to be loaded when precompiling assets! Make sure your application.rb contains the following setting (per default, this is turned on).

config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = true

You need to compile assets using this command, which is explained here.

rake assets:precompile:all RAILS_ENV=development RAILS_GROUPS=assets

Global Partials

Although not recommended, you can also render global partials from a cell. Be warned, though, that they will be rendered using our stack, and you might have to include helpers into your view model.

This works by including Partial and the corresponding :partial option.

class Cell < Cell::ViewModel
  include Partial

  def show
    render partial: "../views/shared/map.html" # app/views/shared/map.html.haml

The provided path is relative to your cell’s ::view_paths directory. The format has to be added to the file name, the template engine suffix will be used from the cell.

You can provide the format in the render call, too.

render partial: "../views/shared/map", formats: [:html]

This was mainly added to provide compatibility with 3rd-party gems like Kaminari and Cells that rely on rendering partials within a cell.


In Rails, you can generate cells and concept cells.

rails generate cell comment

Or, TRB-style concept cells.

rails generate concept comment

Engine Cells

You can bundle cells into Rails engines and maximize a clean, component architecture by making your view models easily distributable and overridable.

This pretty much works out-of-the-box, you write cells and push them into an engine. The only thing differing is that engine cells have to set their view_paths manually to point to the gem directory.

Engine View Paths

Each engine cell has to set its view_paths.

The easiest way is to do this in a base cell in your engine.

module MyEngine
  class Cell < Cell::Concept
    view_paths = ["#{MyEngine::Engine.root}/app/concepts"]

The view_paths is inherited, you only have to define it once when using inheritance within your engine.

module MyEngine
  class Song::Cell < Cell # inherits from MyEngine::Cell

This will not allow overriding views of this engine cell in app/cells as it is not part of the engine cell’s view_paths. When rendering MyEngine::User::Cell or a subclass, it will not look in app/cells.

To achieve just that, you may append the engine’s view path instead of overwriting it.

class MyEngine::User::Cell < Cell::Concept
  view_paths << "#{MyEngine::Engine.root}/app/concepts"

Engine Render problems

You might have to include cells’ template gem into your application’s Gemfile. This will properly require the extension.

Engine Namespace Helpers

If you need namespaced helpers, include the respective helper in your engine cell.

module MyEngine
  class CommentCell < Cell::ViewModel
    include Engine.routes.url_helpers

    def comment_url
      link_to model.title, engine_specific_path_without_any_namespaces_needed
# application Gemfile
gem "cells-erb"

Translation and I18N Helper

You can use the #t helper.

require "cell/translation"

class Admin::Comment::Cell < Cell::Concept
  include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper
  include ::Cell::Translation

  def show

This will lookup the I18N path admin.comment.greeting.

Setting a differing translation path works with ::translation_path.

class Admin::Comment::Cell < Cell::Concept
  include Cell::Translation
  self.translation_path = "cell.admin"

The lookup will now be cell.admin.greeting.

Asset Helper

When using asset path helpers like image_tag that render different paths in production, please simply delegate to the controller.

class Comment::Cell < Cell::Concept
  delegates :parent_controller, :image_tag

The delegation fixes the well-known problem of the cell rendering the “wrong” path when using Sprockets. Please note that this fix is necessary due to the way Rails includes helpers and accesses global data.