
Representable Upgrading Guide

Last updated 05 May 2017 representable v3.0

Upgrading Guide

We try to make upgrading as smooth as possible. Here’s the generic documentation, but don’t hesitate to ask for help on Gitter.

2.4 to 3.0

  • The 3.0 line runs with Ruby >2.0, only. This is to make extensive use of keyword arguments.
  • All deprecations from 2.4 have been removed.

to_hash(user_options: {}) ->(options) { options[:user_options] } ->(user_options:,**) { user_options }

2.3 to 2.4

The 2.4 line contains many new features and got a major internal restructuring. It is a transitional release with deprecations for all changes.


:render_filter => lambda { |val, options| "#{val.upcase},#{options[:doc]},#{options[:options][:user_options]}" }


Once your code is migrated to 2.4, you should upgrade to 3.0, which does not have deprecations anymore and only supports Ruby 2.0 and higher.

If you can’t upgrade to 3.0, you can disable slow and annoying deprecations as follows.

Representable.deprecations = false

Positional Arguments

For dynamic options like :instance or :getter we used to expose a positional API like instance: ->(fragment, options) where every option has a slightly different signature. Even worse, for collections this would result in a differing signature plus an index like instance: ->(fragment, index, options).

From Representable 2.4 onwards, only one argument is passed in for all options with an identical, easily memoizable API. Note that the old signatures will print deprecation warnings, but still work.

For parsing, this is as follows (:instance is just an example).

property :artist, instance: ->(options) do
  options[:fragment] # the parsed fragment
  options[:doc]      # the entire document
  options[:result]   # whatever the former function returned,
                     # usually this is the deserialized object.
  options[:user_options] # options passed into the parse method (e.g. from_json).
  options[:index]    # index of the currently iterated fragment (only with collection)

We highly recommend to use keyword arguments if you’re using Ruby 2.1+.

property :artist, instance: ->(fragment:, user_options:, **) do

User Options

When passing dynamic options to to_hash/from_hash and friends, in older version you were allowed to pass in the options directly.

decorator.to_hash(is_admin: true)

This is deprecated. You now have to use the :user_options key to make it compatible with library options.

decorator.to_hash(user_options: { is_admin: true })

Pass Options

The :pass_options option is deprecated and you should simply remove it, even though it still works in < 3.0. You have access to all the environmental object via options[:binding].

In older version, you might have done as follows.

property :artist, pass_options: true,
  instance: ->(fragment, options) { options.represented }

Runtime information such as represented or decorator is now available via the generic options.

property :artist, instance: ->(options) do
  options[:binding]              # property Binding instance.
  options[:binding].represented  # the represented object
  options[:user_options]         # options from user.

The same with keyword arguments.

property :artist, instance: ->(binding:, user_options:, **) do
  binding.represented  # the represented object

Parse Strategy

The :parse_strategy option is deprecated in favor of :populator. Please replace all occurrences with the new populator style to stay cool.

If you used a :class proc with :parse_strategy, the new API is class: ->(options). It used to be class: ->(fragment, user_options).

Class and Instance

In older versions you could use :class and :instance in combination, which resulted in hard-to-follow behavior. These options work exclusively now.


skip_render: lambda { |options| # raise options[:represented].inspect options[:user_options][:skip?] and options[:input].name == “Rancid”


The :binding option is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0. You can use your own pipeline and replace the WriteFragment function with your own.